Chester River Field Research Station

Chino Farms is well known as a site for successful restoration of critically important habitats on a large scale for the benefit of a great diversity of plants and wildlife. Best known are the CRFRS Grasslands that have supported populations of declining bird species, such as Grasshopper Sparrows, Northern Bobwhite and Dickcissels. With 99% of the farm preserved in conservation (wild areas) easements and agricultural Rural Legacy, the property is a showcase of the idea that wildlife can thrive within an agricultural landscape when enough land is set aside and a good balance can be met between for-profit farming and conservation goals.

The property encompasses many diverse habitats, including a large warm season grassland, extensive river edge, a large lake, many ponds and Delmarva bays, mixed woodlands, and miles of buffers strips surrounding crop fields. The farm was designated as an Audubon Important Bird Area in 2006 and has received several awards for its ecologically progressive agricultural and conservation practices.

CRFRS continues to build partnerships with organizations throughout the state. Most recently it has forged a long-term relationship with nearby Washington College. Chino Farms now serves as a practical laboratory for students interested in field biology, restoration conservation, modern row-crop farming, and the ecological interface between upland Delmarva Peninsula and the Chesapeake Bay. Read more on the Washington College site and keep up with the latest CRFRS news on Facebook.


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