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Faint-spotted Palthis Moth
Palthis asopialis
About Species Quad Heat Map View All Media Thumbnails
Species ID 7357
Date 7/16/2013
County Worcester
Quad Selbyville (38075_D2)
Record Counts
Total 561
County 13
Quad 0
Observer All-Time Checklist
Observer Mike Burchett
Specimen No
Published No
Processed By Dave Kazyak
A worn Faint-spotted Palthis Moth in Worcester Co., Maryland (7/16/2013). Notes from Mike Burchett: "P. asopialis usually has a dark patch on the outer margin of the FW near the apex. This one does not due to wear. Otherwise this specimen was ID'd mainly from the shape of the dark median band. It is not strongly curved as it would be in P. angulalis."
Media by Mike Burchett.