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Record #367767 Details

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No Common Name
Datana sp.
About Species Quad Heat Map View All Media Thumbnails
Species ID 14410
Date 8/4/2014
County Howard
Quad Savage (39076_B7)
Record Counts
Total 96
County 7
Quad 0
Observer All-Time Checklist
Observer Linda Hunt
Specimen No
Published No
Processed By Nancy Magnusson
The eggs of a Datana species on an oak leaf in Howard Co., Maryland (8/4/2014). A series of three photos. Determined by John and Jane Balaban/BugGuide.
Media by Linda Hunt.
Early instars of a Datana species in Howard Co., Maryland (8/4/2014). A series of three photos. Determined by John and Jane Balaban/BugGuide.
Media by Linda Hunt.
Later instars of a Datana species feeding on an oak leaf in Howard Co., Maryland (8/4/2014). A series of three photos. Determined by John and Jane Balaban/BugGuide.
Media by Linda Hunt.